The #1 Windshield Repair Service in Polk County
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5 Common Windshield Repair Questions

If you have a vehicle you most certainly know the importance of the windshield. It is the only thing standing between you and a face full of wind, exhaust and of course, bugs (Could you imagine love bug season without it?). More often than not this piece of your vehicle can be the most neglected.

If you are going to spend thousands of dollars on your automobile, then you should take care of one of it’s most important elements. If your very valuable windshield has been cracked or chipped and you need to have it repaired or replaced what do you do? Here are 10 of the most common windshield repair questions and answers.

#1 How do I know if it needs to be repaired or replaced?

Cracks and chips in your windshield can distract your driving, turn into larger breaks and even lead to severe water damage if leaks occur. This means that you should not wait if you notice a small chip or crack, as the sooner you act the better. Knowing whether it needs to be repaired or replaced is a matter of severity and is most often something that you should consult an expert on. Generally speaking most chips or cracks can be repaired without having to replace the entire windshield. Here are some common factors that means your windshield can be repaired:

  • The damage can fit under a dollar bill
  • You have three or less chips
  • The damage is not on the edge of the windshield
  • The damage is not in your line of sight

#2 What exactly happens when the windshield is repaired?

Repairing a windshield is a highly-technical process which is why you should contact a professional immediately if you notice a crack or chip. The process of repairing a windshield requires first assessing the damage and whether it can be repaired. Once it is  decided that a repair is the best course of action the area around the crack or chip will be properly cleaned and dried. Then, the professional will inject specially formulated chemicals into the crack or chipped area. Finally, they will treat the area using an ultraviolet light. The windshield will then slowly become repaired and the damaged spot will be no more. The entire process can take 30-45 minutes when performed by a professional.

#3 What causes a windshield to become cracked or chipped?

Your car faces an immense amount of wear and damage on a daily basis. From the Florida climate to a variety of different driving environments, your vehicle’s windshield is always susceptible to becoming cracked or chipped. Some of the most common ways your windshield will be come damages is due to small rocks or other debris that may hit the glass during the course of driving and cause a small nick or crack. Other cars can fling up these rocks or debris and if you are traveling at high-speeds the damage can be much more severe. Additionally, large trucks and semis can send objects into your direction causing a crack or chip.

#4 Is it illegal to drive with a damaged windshield?

In Florida, Yes, it is illegal to drive with a windshield that is cracked or damaged.  FL statute 316.610 states that it is unlawful for anyone to knowingly operate any motor vehicle that is in unsafe conditions that could cause damage to the driver and/or any other vehicles. Because the windshield is one of the most important elements of your vehicle, operating it with a crack or chip that could result in distractions or future damage is both dangerous and illegal. If you have a chip or crack, you should contact an expert auto glass service company to have it repaired or replaced immediately.

#5 How much will it cost me?

As with anything that relates to having work done to your vehicle you will be concerned with both the quality of work and how much it costs. Luckily, in Florida if you have comprehensive insurance then there will be no deductible (cost) to have your windshield replaced. Additionally, companies like Advantage Auto Glass will handle all the paperwork for you, saving you money and time. If you have questions about the cost of the service it is best to contact us to receive a free quote!

Windshields are an extremely important element of your vehicle. If you are frequently driving on gravel roads or at high speeds, then you will likely experience a crack or chip in your windshield at some point. Luckily, there are experts who have experience in repairing and replacing windshields quickly and easily. If you have a cracked or chipped windshield and need to have it assessed by an expert, then contact Advantage Auto Glass today!

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